Top Winning Breeder
2017,2018,2019,2022 and 2023
(no top records kept 2020 - 2021 limited or no shows )
Home of International Champions
Dame Multi Ch and Multi Winner Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
Sire Multi Ch and Multi Winner Stempfort Naglyy Sabotazh "Remy"
Toy Angels C Take That
Toy Angels C Westlife
Toy Angels C Backstreet Boys
Toy Angels C One Direction
Toy Angels C Boyz II Men
Toy Angels C New Kids On The Block

Görlev Denmark 7.11.2015
Speciality show
BOB Cert Norwegian Junior Winner - 15
Chudo Veka Aurora "Lollo"
Lollo went BIS 1 in workingclass final 🎉🎉🏆🏆
Lollo - groomed and handeled to perfection by Lotta Söderberg <3

Herning Denmark 1.11.2015
BOB Cert
Danish Winner -15 Danish Junior Winner -15
Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
BOS Cert
Danish Winner -15 Danish Junior Winner -15
Toy Angels Be My King "King"
Judge Zeferino José C. Silva Portugal

Herning Denmark 31.10.2015
BOB Cert
Norwegian Junior Winner -15
Copenhagen Winner -15
Copenhagen Junior Winner -15
Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla"
BOS Cert SECh Indigo Durgo
now also DKCh
Judge Christine Rossier Switzerland

Hamar Norway 13.10.2015
Norwegian Junior Winner - 15
WK Chudo Veka Aurora "Lollo"
Judge Perttu Ståhlberg Finland

Hamar Norway 12.10.2015
Norwegian Junior Winner - 15
Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla"
Judge Tino Pehar , Kroatia

Hilleröd Denmark 19.9.2015
Puppy class
BOB Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
Judge Florence Fahey (IE)

Hilleröd Denmark Int 19.9.2015
BOB Exl Ck Cert
Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla"
at her first official show ever <3
Judge Florence Fahey (IE)

Täby 23.8.2015 Minigruppen
BIS 3 Puppy
BOB Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS Toy Angels Be my Queen "Vickan"
Judge Bengt Åke Bogren (SE)

Täby 23.8.2015 Minigruppen
BOS Semicvetik Sherdian "Lovis"
BM2 Exl Ck Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock.N-Rolla "Abbe"
BOB Bekingem Gold Expression "Beki" Owner Annelie Cederlöf Kennel Gold Standard
Judge Bengt Åke Bogren (SE)

Täby SKK 22.8.2015
BOB puppy Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS puppy Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
( Father Kreatyur Ispolnite Rock-N-Rolla - Mother Semicvetik Sherdian )
Judge Gunilla Skallman (SE)

Täby SKK 22.8.2015
BIM Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
BM 2 Cert Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe" SECh DKCh
Judge Gunilla Skallman (SE)

Täby 21.8.2015 SRTK Breed Speciality
BOB Puppy 6-9 months Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS PUppy 6-9 months Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
( Father Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla - Mother Semicvetik Sherdian )
Judge Anastasya Pogrebinska / President of National Breed Club Russkiy Toy Russia

Täby 21.8.2015 SRTK Breed Speciality
BISS - 15
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe"
BOB Puppy 6-9 months Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS Puppy 6-9 months Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
Judge Anastasya Pogrebinskaya / President of National Breed Club Russkiy Toy Russia

Ronneby Int 8.8.2015
BOB Semicvetik Shedidan "Lovis"
BOB puppy HP
Toy Angels Be My King "King"
( shortlisted in final , judge Oliver Simon , Croatia )
BOS puppy HP
Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
BM2 Puppy also with HP
Toy Angels Be My Prince "Elvis"
owner Emma and Eva Bloom
Judge Bengt-Åke Bogren (SE)

Riihimäki Finland 6.6.2015
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
Judge Goran Gladic (S)
Lovis became Finnish Champion in Riihimäki
And thus is now
Swedish Champion , Finnish Champion , Danish Champion , Norwegian Champion Nordic Champion
NORDW-14 NOJW-14 DKW-14 DKJW-14 KBHW -14 KBHJW -14

Hässleholm 17.05.2015
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
BOS Indigo Durgo "Skorpan"
Both became SeCh
Judge Annukka Paloheimo (FI)

Dortmund 9.5.2015
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis" CERT Title European Winner
( counts as 2 certs Europa Winner )
BM2 Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe" CERT
Dortmund 10.5.2015
Lovis CERT
Abbe res CERT

Malmö Int 29.3.2015
BOB puppy Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla" at her first show ever
Big thanks to judge Jasna Matejcic Croatia
Nice size & correct proportion , Excellent head & expression - correct bite - enough angulations front and rear - well developed for age - excellent coat - good temperament

Toy Angels B-Litter is born 31.1.2015
2 girls and 2 boys ( red with black )
Mother Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
Father Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe"
Dame Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
Sire Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe"
Toy Angels Be My King "King"
Toy Angels Be My Prince "Elvis"
Toy Angels Be My Princess "Sessan"
Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"

Amsterdam Winner Show 13.12.2014
Amsterdam Winner - 14 Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
Amsterdam Winner - 14
Amsterdam Junior Winner - 14
Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe"
Judge Dagmar Klein ( RO )

Holland Cup 12.12.2014 Amsterdam
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe"
Judge James Newman ( IE )

Norwegian Winner Show 14.11.2014 Lilleström Norway
Nordic Winner Show 15.11.2014 Lilleström Norway
Norwegian junior winner 2014
Semicvetik Sherdian ( Lovis )
Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe )
Nordic Winner 2014
Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis )
Nordic Junior Winner 2014
Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe )

Danish Winner Show 2.11.2014 Herning Denmark
Danish Winner 2014
Danish Junior Winner 2014
Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis )
Danish Junior Winner 2014
Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe )
Judge Paul Scanlon , Ireland

Copenhagen Winner Show 21.9.2014 Hilleröd Denmark
Copenhagen Winner 2014
Copenhagen Junior Winner 2014
Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis )
Copenhagen Junior Winner 2014
Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe )
Judge Lars Adeheimer , Sweden

14.9.2014 Tågarp SDHK
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis )
Judge Jasna Marejcic , Croatia

13.9.2014 Eslöv Int
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis )
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe )
Judge Hans van den Berg , Netherlands

23.8.2014 Backamo Sweden
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis )
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe )
Judge Anna Liisa Heikkinen FI

17.8.2014 Norrköping Sweden
BOB Bekingem Gold Expression
BOS Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis )
Judge Torbjörn Skaar

3.8.2014 Jönköping
BOB Keehawn Sovetskoje Sampanskoje Exl Ck Cert
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe ) Exl Ck Cert
judge Cindy Pettersson

2.8.2014 Jönköping Sweden
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis ) Exl Ck Cert
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla (Abbe) Exl Ck Cert
Best Malé 2 Indigo Durgo (Skorpan) Exl Ck reserv Cert
Judge Ferdi Dickmann DE
BIG thanks again to Gregor Nemanic for his wonderful talented and fun ways of training My Dogs and me here

1.8.2014 Jönköping Sweden
BOB Stolt Jacks Black Pearl
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe ) Exl Ck Cert
Judge Norman Deschuymere BE

12.7.2014 Tvååker Sweden
BOS Indigo Durgo ( Skorpan ) Exl Ck Cert
Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis ) Exl Ck Reserv Cert
Kreatyur Ispolnitel ( Abbe ) Exl Ck Reserv Cert
Judge Jakub Kruczek Poland

11.7.2014 Tvååker Sweden
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis ) Exl Ck Cert
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe ) Exl Ck Cert
Indigo Durgo ( Skorpan ) Exl
Judge Veiga Maria Gabriela Portugal

6.7.2014 Ronneby Sweden
BOS Indigo Durgo ( Skorpan ) Exl Ck Cert
Best female 2 Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis ) Exl. Ck reserve cert
Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe ) Exl
Judge Nina Karlsdotter SE

21.6.2014 Vejen Denmark
BIR/BOB Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis ) Exl Ck Cert
Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla ( Abbe ) Best Male 2 Exl. Ck Cert
Judge Kenneth Edh

1.6.2014 NKP Russkiy Toy Speciality Show in Moscow
Semicvetik Sheridan ( Lovis ) 4th best junior female Exl. JCC ( 20 dogs entered in the class )
Judge Inna Begma RU

18.5.2014 Int Hässleholm Sweden
BIR/BOB Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla (Abbe) Exl.Ck Cert
BIM/BOS Semicvetik Sheridan (Lovis) Exl Ck Cert
Thank You Judge Bo Skalin SE

Brno 22.2.2014