Top Winning Breeder
2017,2018,2019,2022 and 2023
(no top records kept 2020 - 2021 limited or no shows )
Home of International Champions
Interested in a puppy from us ?
Then please contact us via email. please state any relevant information incl. your experience with the breed (or other breeds) If you have any specific wishes like gender or coat or if you have show or breeding plans also state this. You are welcome to be added to our info list, this do not mean you are guaranteed a puppy, but if so agreed that you will be informed as soon as we have a puppy/puppies. I do not sell unborn puppies or puppies under 6 weeks old, as I believe home and puppy must be a good match. Puppies will not be able to move from home until 8 weeks at the earliest!
All Puppies leave our kennel with
Official FCI Pedigree from the Swedish Kennel Club (Export pedigree and EU passport will be arranged for exports)
Micro Chip
Vaccinations & De-worming treatment
Puppy food from Royal Canin
Puppy pack that contains treats , toys and a blanket that smells like mother and siblings
Photos and videos that from birth to moving day will be posted on Facebook for your viewing
All puppies are sold with purchase agreement from the Swedish Kennel club
All litters are breed in accordance with the ethical recommendations of the Swedish Kennel Club.
We are located in Sweden, Skåne in Trelleborg county close to Copenhagen Kastrup Airport in Denmark.